This is a very effective, but very time-consuming and focused method so if you have the ability to be home with your puppy for a large amount of time this is a great way to achieve your potty-training goals quickly. The primary objective of this type of training is to prevent mistakes before they even occur. This is achieved by keeping your puppy with you at all times and never letting them wander unsupervised. It only takes a few seconds for them to have an accident on a rug or get into something they shouldn't, and those few seconds to realize what they're about to do can be saved by having your puppy constantly attached to you by a leash (a.k.a. "umbilical cord"). It will take concentration and effort on your part, but it is worth it. And due to the physical attachment of the leash, it's actually less demanding than other constant supervision training techniques.
You can go about your daily life and do the normal things you do from room to room and they can come with you, never left alone. It's better to attach them to your wrist or belt loop because, eventually, they'll be able to pull you over if tethered to your ankle. As soon as you recognize they intend to go potty in an inappropriate spot or begin to chew on something they shouldn't, you can interrupt them and redirect their behavior in an appropriate way followed by lots of
praise. When they go potty outside, they should be especially rewarded with a treat.
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I know the name is a little funky, but it will make sense as we go. This is a very effective, but very time-consuming and focused method so if you have the ability to be home with your puppy for a large amount of time this is a great way to achieve your potty-training goals quickly. The primary objective of this type of training is to prevent mistakes before they even occur. This is achieved by keeping your puppy with you at all times and never letting them wander unsupervised. It only takes a few seconds for them to have an accident on a rug or get into something they shouldn't, and those few seconds to realize what they're about to do can be saved by having your puppy constantly attached to you by a leash (a.k.a. "umbilical cord"). It will take concentration and effort on your part, but it is worth it. And due to the physical attachment of the leash, it's actually less demanding than other constant supervision training techniques.
You can go about your daily life and do the normal things you do from room to room and they can come with you, never left alone. It's better to attach them to your wrist or belt loop because, eventually, they'll be able to pull you over if tethered to your ankle. As soon as you recognize they intend to go potty in an inappropriate spot or begin to chew on something they shouldn't, you can interrupt them and redirect their behavior in an appropriate way followed by lots of
praise. When they go potty outside, they should be especially rewarded with a treat.
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In addition, it's not only your responsibility to watch for signs that they are about to have an accident or may need to go, but also to take them outside on a regular schedule. Puppies can typically "hold it" one hour for each month they are old, but not reliably until about 4 months. So a 3-month-old puppy needs to go outside in approximately 3-hour intervals, a 5-month-old puppy in 5, etc. After they've both urinated and defecated outside, you can give them some supervised freedom off the leash! For puppies under 12 weeks, this should just be 3-5 minutes. For puppies 12-16 weeks old you can do 10 minutes, and over 16 weeks they can have 15. Increase this time as they gain your trust.
A 6-foot leash is ideal because it's the perfect balance between giving them room to move without being too restrictive, and not so loose that it tangles around both your legs or that they can't be interrupted. You'll also need a collar or harness to attach the leash to them and treats to reward them when they go potty outside. In case of the inevitable one or two accidents, proper cleaning supplies and odor neutralizing products are incredibly helpful because dogs have a biological urge to potty in the same spot. The odor of their own urine or- even that of another dog- tells them "this is where other dogs go, so this is where I'm supposed to go". Additionally, although a kennel isn't a necessary supply and this can be done without it, this type of training is very conducive to doing kennel training at the same time because there will be times when you absolutely cannot supervise, and it's good for your puppy to not have free roam during that time. This can be achieved with a baby gate to keep them in a specific room if you prefer, but if kennel training is part of your long-term goal with your puppy this is a perfect time to do it. If you need any assistance or have any questions, Elite-K9 provides the best dog training Corpus Christi has to offer and we are here to help!